Pinky Toes are Evil

It's not my idea, but I don't remember who wrote it first, or where did I read it. But if fall while jogging, hit my elbow, and damage my self by accident I get a little frustrated, could feel a little annoyed, obviously, depending on the severity of the damage, I could feel pain in different doses. But nothing compares to the moments when I hit my pinky toes. I usually accidentally hit it against the bed, table, or chair, and when I hit my pinky toe, I don't just feel pain or annoyance. I feel anger.

It's like nerves in pinkies directly connected to the anger center in the brain, I want to destroy the piece of furniture that dared to harm my pinky toe, I want to obliterate, annihilate, burn it, dissemble to elementary particles. In fact, first I want to turn an offending piece of furniture into fully blown AI, teach it feelings and pain, and only then slowly obliterate from the surface of the planet.

I just find funny, that I can slide across the street on my knees, and feel only mildly annoyed at my fate, but I feel so much anger when I brush my pinky against the leg of the table. I think it's important to understand that we as humans are not wired properly, and the responses that we might feel are justified usually not.


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